Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Visual Media


       The ropes of the hanging bridge formed lines that are symmetrical to each other. There are lines directing to the center while some of it are heading downward. Thus, balance is also present. 


         Since today is december and Christmas is near,  I chose to take a photo to our garland hanging in our door.  This one shapes like a circle or a rounded one.


        Value is the lightness and darkness of an image. This picture is an example of a photo, showing value as the lower part of it is dark while its upper portion is lighter than it. 


        As obviously shown,  color is indeed present in the photo, having a more lively and bright colors that also shows contrast as the objects are highlighted.


I have learned that form differs from shape through its dimension as form is three-dimensional while shape is only two-dimensional. The subject,  which is the glass,  shows a cylindrical form.  


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